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Become A Sponsor
Imagine all the pressure of growing up and starting a career and a family when you hear, “You have cancer.” Cancer sucks at any time. But few groups face as many challenges as our adolescents and young adults with cancer (AYAs).
In 1996, Dr. Archie Bleyer sounded the alarm when he found that 15-39-year-olds were dying from cancer at a much higher rate than other age groups. He also noticed his AYA patients had complex psychological, social, medical, and practical needs.
AYAs, their providers, and caregivers need education and support to improve longevity and preserve quality of life. The AYA Cancer Foundation provides practical help through financial support for fertility preservation and living expenses. We also provide educational opportunities to elevate AYA experiences so their caregivers can better address their needs.
Our Spring Luncheon on June 20th, combines these two causes. The money raised will directly support the AYA financial support fund, and Dr. Archie Bleyer himself will provide the educational keynote. Attendees will enjoy poetry and music from AYAs, a talk from Dr. Bleyer, silent auction, lunch, and networking opportunities.
We ask you to consider sponsoring this event. As a sponsor, you can attend in person or choose to donate some or all of your seats so that more AYAs and providers can attend this important event.
You will find a detailed breakdown of sponsorship information below.
Once you make your selection,
Click here to select your sponsorship level by May 20th, 2024
Click here if you prefer to buy individual tickets or make a donation.
Thank you for filling in the gap for teens and young adults with cancer in our community.
With gratitude,
The AYA Cancer Foundation Team
Sponsorship Options
Two premier tables of 10 with 20 valet passes for guests.
Headline recognition in press materials
Recognition by AYAFSA President from the podium
Name & Logo on all event collateral as title sponsor (Mail-outs, email
communication, registration page)
Name & Logo and organization link on website banner as title sponsor
Logo recognition on event screens and program materials
Exhibit opportunity at the forum (6-foot table, prime location at exhibit hall with
opportunities to distribute literature and giveaways)
One preferred table of 10 with 10 valet passes for guests
Recognition by AYAFSA President from the podium
Name & Logo on all event collateral as title sponsor (Mail-outs, email
communication, registration page)
Logo recognition on event screens and program materials
Logo and link to website on forum page
Exhibit opportunity at the forum (6-foot table, prime location at exhibit hall with
opportunities to distribute literature and giveaways
One table of 10 with 10 valet passes for guests
Logo recognition on event screens and program materials
Name & Logo on all event collateral as title sponsor (Mail-outs, email
communication, registration page)
Exhibit opportunity at the forum (6-foot table, prime location at exhibit hall with
opportunities to distribute literature and giveaways)
One table of 10 with five valet passes for guests.
Company/Institution name recognition on event screens and program materials
Name & Logo on website banner as supporting sponsor.
One table of 10
Company/Institution recognition on event screens and program materials
Name & Logo on website banner as supporting sponsor.
One table of 10
Company/Institution recognition on event screens and program materials
Name & Logo on website banner as supporting sponsor.
Click here to select your sponsorship level by May 20th, 2024
Feel free to send any questions to
AYA Cancer Foundation of San AntonioSpring Fundraising Luncheon
Estancia del Norte Hotel, San Antonio, Texas Thursday, June 20, 2024, 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM CT
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