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Hello I am Kathrine, I am 28 years old and was diagnosed with a rare ovarian cancer called an Immature Teratoma. I was diagnosed on 12/19 after feeling constipation for over a week. I went to the ER and they found a 18cm mass on my left ovary. I had surgery to remove the mass, my left ovary and fallopian tube. I sadly did not have insurance at this time to cover any of the surgery or hospital visit. This has been weighing on me and now having started chemo for 3 weeks now I was in financial hardship. I was able to find the AYA foundation by searching the web to help. They were the only foundation not closed for help and I was able to apply and I heard back in an amazing time frame. AYA foundation has helped me tremendously by giving me a grant to help with the financial pressure I was stressing about. This foundation has given me a breather and has lifted my spirits tremendously. I don't know what I would do without them. 


Non Profit 501(c)(3) Organization

Adolescents and Young Adults Foundation San Antonio, TX 

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